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在现代冲突中, 形势发展迅速, 你的部队接收准确, 及时的情报是任务成功的关键. 空中预警和控制(AEW)&C)系统是用于探测和识别空气的机载雷达解决方案, 陆地和海上交通工具, 导弹和其他物体. AEW&C系统也被用作战斗管理指挥和控制中心, receiving and transmitting real-time information to achieve total situational awareness.

GlobalEye 十大正规博彩网站排名的先进、超远程、多域预警机&C solution that delivers increased operational availability by combining intelligent product design with effective support.


全球之眼为您提供最高的操作可用性, providing a suite of active and passive sensors that offer long-range detection and object classification. 能够与海军无缝融合, 陆军和空军以及民间组织, “全球眼”确保每个人都意识到这一点, 无论他们在哪里.

“全球眼”可以探测到, 对远距离目标进行分类和跟踪, 反馈准确, 向关键业务决策者提供实时信息.

Take complete control of the battlespace with GlobalEye’s all-domain battle management. “全球眼”可以探测到, 对远距离目标进行分类和跟踪, 反馈准确, 向关键业务决策者提供实时信息. 该平台同时监测空气的能力, 陆地和海洋是独一无二的, with forces usually needing multiple solutions to monitor all three domains at once. This newfound available resource can be reallocated to assist your forces elsewhere, 由“全球眼”负责所有监视任务. 

十大正规博彩网站排名明白,在行动最激烈的时候,情况可能会迅速变化. 像这样, GlobalEye is able to switch tasks during ongoing missions to ensure the overall operation stays on track without having to land.

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The implementation of GlobalEye enhances your forward operational ability by freeing up other defence assets, 确保他们只在需要的时候保持高度警惕. This keeps forces and equipment running smoothly by not exhausting resources in an unnecessary state of high 读iness.


GlobalEye is built bespoke by Saab’s highly skilled in-house engineers to fit seamlessly into your existing operations. 你是否需要它与你部队的战斗机协同工作, 或者在联合行动中协助其他部队, GlobalEye provides aerial surveillance and target detection wherever it’s necessary.


“全球眼”设计用于受严重杂波和干扰影响的条件下工作, 所以即使你舰队的其他成员都失明了, 并非一切都完了. “全球之眼”看到了被遮蔽的东西. 


“全球眼”是最佳尺寸, balancing a vast array of cutting-edge onboard surveillance and communication technology with impressive range performance and a low cost per flight hour. With a flight time of over 11 hours and the range of its instruments surpassing 650 km, “全球之眼”的超远射程使其成为特种作战的理想选择. 你在空中的时间就越长, the more dependable an asset you are to your force – that’s where GlobalEye’s operational availability sets it apart from the rest.

Its low lifecycle cost makes GlobalEye an incredibly cost-effective solution that can fulfil a variety of roles simultaneously whilst demanding fewer operational resources.

“全球之眼”的尺寸也使得它飞行起来很经济, 而且它可以由减少的人员来维修和维护. Its low lifecycle cost makes GlobalEye an incredibly cost-effective solution that can fulfil a variety of roles simultaneously whilst demanding fewer operational resources. This is where GlobalEye’s efficient support compliments its high-performance design. 

飞机的尺寸也导致了出色的机场性能, 因为它可以带6起飞,500英尺的跑道和, 最大着陆重量, 降落高度只有2300英尺. 操作上, this makes GlobalEye a flexible choice with an increased number of potential take-off and landing locations.

对于机上人员, the working conditions are ideal with state-of-the-art avionics enabling crews to work comfortably and ergonomically. 这大大减少了疲劳和不适对长时间操作的影响, 保持高度准备. Crews can also operate effectively with the knowledge that they’re safe with GlobalEye’s built-in self-protection suite.


Due to GlobalEye’s advanced surveillance and communications technology (including the powerful Erieye Extended Range (ER) radar), 操作决策可以更快、更准确地做出. Thanks to the ability to receive and transmit real-time information with greater precision, 其他作战力量也可以准备就绪, 而且任务可以快速执行, 让他们在任何情况下都有获胜的优势.

GlobalEye can cut decisively through confusing mixed messages with real-time, 准确的信息.

这在联合作战中尤其有益, 因为“环球眼”可以果断地将混乱的信息与实时信息区分开来, 准确的信息. “全球眼”拥有全面的态势概览,让每个人都能跟上形势, 确保任务成功.


如果需要, GlobalEye can host an additional Joint Command element with up to 10 operational work positions on board. 这加强了战区和实时的协调决策. 这反过来加快了OODA循环(观察, 东方, 检测, Act), 节省重要的时间, 确保数据交换安全,减少通信错误.


现代战争依赖于电子设备. 所有的电子设备都会产生信号, and the simultaneous use of countless electronic systems in the theatre of war creates massive interference, 干扰通信. Further, enemies can weaponize jamming or spoofing capabilities to disrupt and disorientate. “全球眼”旨在抵御这些威胁,并切断噪音, 保持你的通信接收和发送, 始终保持操作可用性. 

通过一个持续的“螺旋”来确定目标, 执行风险分析, 开发和测试, 回顾和评估, 这个过程确保了解决方案在竞争中保持领先地位.

Another issue associated with electronics is the need for intermittent software updates. Saab utilises the spiral development model for GlobalEye – a long-term process and refinement strategy that results in ever-evolving software. 通过一个持续的“螺旋”来确定目标, 执行风险分析, 开发和测试, 回顾和评估, 这个过程确保了解决方案在竞争中保持领先地位. 软件更新很简单,不需要大量的停机时间. As a result, GlobalEye can be back up and operationally available as quickly as possible.


“全球之眼”同样在家里平静地工作, 危机或冲突, 民用市场还是军用市场. Global and national security challenges are ever-evolving and true situational awareness is the key to coming out on top, 无论情况如何. 

十大正规博彩网站排名所有的预警机&C solutions have been used successfully by national forces to monitor organised crime, 非法捕鱼, 支援边境管制, 保护国际事件和其他重要应用程序. Their surveillance and communication capabilities give police and government agencies the full operational picture, 能够及时做出涉及多个活动部分的决策.

不管是什么目的, 无论在哪里操作, GlobalEye offers the greatest surveillance and communication capabilities the market has to offer, 同时保持您的操作可用低飞行和维护成本.

不管是什么目的, 无论在哪里操作, GlobalEye offers the greatest surveillance and communication capabilities the market has to offer, 同时保持您的操作可用低飞行和维护成本.

智能设计. 有效的支持. GlobalEye.